Blog » Find A Grave Project

By George ('Terry') Delano
Posted On 02/03/2012

Posted In: Great Ideas,
Last Updated On 02/03/2012

There is a web site ( ) that documents millions of grave locations with descriptions and pictures. I'm wondering if we might start a project to document as many of the Delano grave locations as we can, starting with the Acushnet (Queen Anne) Cemetery this Fall.

Judy Yarbrough
Mar 07, 2012 12:00:00 AM
I love finding graves. I live across the street from one of the oldest cemeteries in the south. When my grandchildren come they race to see who can find the oldest one. I am a member of RAOGK (Random Acts Of Genealogical Kindness ). Wish I could go to Fairhaven and New Bedford. This is where my eldredge/Eldridge roots married a Delano. So happy to be back on line(:

Cathy Delano
Feb 05, 2012 12:00:00 AM
Great idea! - conditions of stones can be noted along with the pictures to ID those needing repair. We might even find the lost gravesite of Philippe Delano.