Your last name doesn't have to be DELANO to be part of the DELANO KINDRED.
If your surname is DELANO or one of its derivatives (DeLano, de Lanoy, De Lannoy, de la Noye or other variations), or the DELANO name is somewhere in your family tree, or perhaps you are simply interested in DELANO family history, we'd be delighted to have you join us.
Delano Kindred memberships run from January 1 to December 31 of each year. If you join during January through September, you will receive all newsletters for the year and your membership will be valid through Dec. 31 of that year. If you join during October through December, you will receive all newsletters for the year and your membership will be valid for the remainder of the current year to Dec. 31 of the following year.
Joining the DELANO KINDRED is easy. Click here or on the "Shop" tab along the top of the screen and select the "Memberships" option. There you can select the appropriate membership category, purchase a membership and get immediate access to the members-only portions of the website. If you're old-school and prefer hardcopy mail-in application forms, you can access one by clicking here. You'll find our membership categories and dues structure explained on the right sidebar under the MEMBERSHIP LINKS option.