This October/November issue will conclude the report on the 2024 Delano Kindred Annual Meeting/Reunion that was held in Maggie Valley, NC. It was another excellent annual meeting/reunion and many thanks go to Rev. Dr. Becket Soule for
organizing this event.
You will also read about the new Delano Kindred website which is about to launch. George “Terry” Delano did an excellent job planning and working with BreeSoft LLC, the website developer. Presently, our new website will “go live” on November
30th, so please look for it then. The second article in this issue will give you much more information on the new website.
We sadly acknowledge the loss of cousin Herman Warren DeLano, who passed away on July 11, 2024, at the age of 91. Herman was the brother of our Newsletter Editor Emeritus, George B. DeLano.
To read this newsletter in its entirety, click here