NL #63, March, 2010

You will note that this issue of the Bonnes Nouvelles is several pages shorter. Your editor will be moving at the end of March to the northern Virginia area; consequently the time to publish this newsletter was shortened significantly. In this issue we include additional information about the June 2010 Annual Meeting and Reunion at the Indian Head Resort near Lincoln, New Hampshire. We have included articles about the DELANOs who settled in that state, the 2009 Annual Questionnaire Results, as well as other articles. Please note the change in address to where you should send your Reunion reservation and registration forms on 31 March. This address is included on the updated forms that were inserted in the 2009 Membership Directory and in this issue of the Bonnes Nouvelles. Finally we remind everyone that it is time to submit nominations of candidates for the Annual Charity Drawing. Please see the article included in this issue and the inserted form for your use. To view this newsletter in its entirety, click here.