Blog » NL #82, November 2016

By Terry Delano
Posted On 11/07/2016

Posted In: Newsletters, Public Reading,
Last Updated On 10/17/2024

In this issue we include information about the 2016 Reunion in Norwich, CT. We were pleased that three DELANOs from Chile attended our gathering in Norwich. We continue with part two of the life of Joel Andrew Delano, the compiler of the GHAAHD published in 1899. We are pleased to include a contributed article about Mystery DELANOs, which tells how an erroneous and confusing genealogical line in the GHAAHD was discovered through YDNA testing. The months of October through February have many dates that are significant to our family and some are included in this issue. You may remember some of these. We are pleased to also include a copy of a Thanksgiving poem written by Sarah M. DELANO-Cornell. We also pay tribute to departed members who are no longer with us. We send you our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year. DELANO KINDRED CONTRIBUTIONS December 31st is fast approaching. We hope you will consider making a contribution to the DELANO KINDRED Contribution Programs if you have not done so this calendar year. Please remember that as a non-profit organization, the DELANO KINDRED, Inc., is registered as a Public Charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; your charitable contributions to this organization are fully deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Also, many companies have what is called a matching funds or matching grants program. For every dollar you personally contribute to a qualifying non-profit organization, they will match some or all of your contribution. All charitable donations are greatly appreciated. To view this newsletter in it is entirety, click here